
The Night i Said I Love You

The sky was crying.

i can't say why, or how.
only that dry tears fell,

i had spoken those words.
You know, the ones that
always sit, knees tucked in tight.
gently rocking.
They rarely raise their head,
except for some reason
they jumped up and
screamed at me until
I had to acknowledge them--
bright and wicked.
strong and quiet.

I had scorned them for so long
sitting there,

Maybe i should have
cut them down.
Forced them back into

They would still be there though.
like some overzealous tea kettle,
billowing steam from the stove top,
that will hiss, patiently,
mocking you in secrecy
from the other room.

I kicked them out though
the freeloading sons of bitches.
I set them to the street,
those silently whistling words.
who cares anyway,
their work here was

i miss them now.

a chasm has replaced the silent patience
and try as i may, no amount of pain can fill it.
they brought me comfort,
though i cant say how, or why.

and i wish,
As the rain collects
In my upturned eyes,
that i had listened.

to the rocking in the dark

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